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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/04/16 Give Me A Zeal In My Alertness In Prayer Frank Walton Sermon Give Me A Zeal For God Sunday 20876623_64kbs__55402744758b6e7844a0b5542821240.mp3
04/03/16 Give Me A Zeal In My Diligence for Growth Frank Walton Sermon Give Me A Zeal For God Sunday 20876622_64kbs__11544173458b6e77f0a1c8177455646.mp3
04/03/16 Give Me A Zeal To Share The Gospel Frank Walton Sermon Give Me A Zeal For God Sunday 20876621_64kbs__144336086558b6e77a1f58a665800302.mp3
04/03/16 Give Me A Zeal In the Cross Frank Walton Sermon Give Me A Zeal For God Sunday 20876620_64kbs__56271947558b6e77497aba508673036.mp3
01/31/16 Having Faith in the Grace of God Jon Banks Sermon N/A Sunday 20876627_64kbs__199344946358b6e79c2eb08736276978.mp3
11/11/15 Trusting God Pray Big Wilson Adams Sermon Trusting God in Times Like These Sunday 20876619_64kbs__46283627458b6e76d3c607516410843.mp3
11/10/15 Trusting God Through Angels Wilson Adams Sermon Trusting God in Times Like These Sunday 20876618_64kbs__112153569358b6e76866b9c963027370.mp3
11/10/15 Trusting God in Psalm 139 Wilson Adams Sermon Trusting God in Times Like These Sunday 20876617_64kbs__174690475458b6e7639fe1a276671823.mp3
11/09/15 Trusting God In Marriage Wilson Adams Sermon Trusting God in Times Like These Sunday 20876616_64kbs__12804734858b6e75e3135e169147046.mp3
11/08/15 What it Means to Follow Him Wilson Adams Sermon Trusting God in Times Like These Sunday 20876615_64kbs__138158149358b6e7596be0d542211313.mp3
11/08/15 Trusting God in Times Like These Wilson Adams Sermon Trusting God in Times Like These Sunday 20876614_64kbs__3549640958b6e754c0dff214231540.mp3
11/08/15 The Verse That Will Change Your Life Wilson Adams Sermon Trusting God in Times Like These Sunday 20876613_64kbs__52010932058b6e74eaeea8133081976.mp3
08/16/15 Fighting the Love that God Hates Jon Banks Sermon Youth Lectures Sunday 20876611_64kbs__134110026358b6e7472ceed509836544.mp3
08/16/15 Are There Any Among You Who Will Endure Ben Hall Sermon Youth Lectures Sunday 20876607_64kbs__45753531958b6e72dbf517725841859.mp3
08/15/15 Loving the Royal Law Jon Banks Sermon Youth Lectures Sunday 20876610_64kbs__158321630458b6e7432332c594669426.mp3
08/15/15 Taming the Untameable Daniel Broadwell Sermon Youth Lectures Sunday 20876609_64kbs__169107140258b6e73b84969621571090.mp3
08/14/15 Can You Prove Yourself Daniel Broadwell Sermon Youth Lectures Sunday 20876608_64kbs__187262196658b6e733f1ed6586827782.mp3
08/14/15 Tempted and Tried Ben Hall Sermon Youth Lectures Sunday 20876606_64kbs__181622508758b6e7276382f304669751.mp3
04/05/15 Why is it Incredible? Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876599_64kbs__109300035858b6e6f91802e470396648.mp3
03/29/15 Zeal (3) Don Hooton Sermon Zeal Sunday 20876598_64kbs__55981423758b6e6f4ad6ca500190288.mp3
03/29/15 Idol Worship Jon Banks Sermon N/A Sunday 20876594_64kbs__83463231058b6e6dfc1263225644081.mp3
03/22/15 The Joy of Salvation Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876597_64kbs__34429589458b6e6f019a10371532246.mp3
03/22/15 The Joy of Salvation Don Hooton Sermon N/A Sunday 20876597_64kbs__34429589458b6e6f019a10371532246-1516655825.mp3
03/22/15 What is Truth? Jon Banks Sermon N/A Sunday 20876593_64kbs__65382509258b6e6daf10a5814750838.mp3
03/15/15 Zeal (2) Don Hooton Sermon Zeal Sunday 20876596_64kbs__81738969458b6e6e9316d4649393286.mp3

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